The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15009   Message #131935
Posted By: Micca
04-Nov-99 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Well arent you a rare little blood group then. Culture at least implies a breeding group and I was referring to the principle genetic source material through which we inherit our characteristics, I think on this basis a "Celtic race "or at least common genetic pool can be argued for the Western Fringe peoples of Scotland, Ireland , Wales, Cornwall, and Brittany as opposed to the Anglo-Saxons and other central Europeans who arrived later and changed the genetic balance. One of the characteristics that differentiates is the preponderance of Group O as the commonest Blood group. High among the A/Ss, Low among the Western Fringe it links also to certain other so called "Racial characteristics" that is gene linked, Eye colour, and straight black hair among others common in one group not in the other .There is published stastical work on this but I haven't got it to hand at the moment.