The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75240   Message #1319695
Posted By: GUEST
07-Nov-04 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Diana, Mick is a conservative, right leaning Clinton/Kerry Democrat, and his tactics are of the "old school" winning though bullying and intimidation union model (he is a union organizer). That should explain his remarks, I think.

ake--I would be there with you if I could! I'm going to try my damndest to get to DC for the Anti-Inaugural this year, though. But I may make it there, you never know. I do want to make a trip to Europe either in the spring or fall next year, so we shall have to see. But I believe that this is the most important 'Resist the G8' summit since Seattle. It is incredibly important for people to learn about it. UK Indymedia is a great place to start.

And I hope this pathetic excuse for a legitimate election does galvanize the American left for once, but only if they recognize we should NOT try and make common cause with the Democrats unless and until they start moving our way--a lot further left than they've been since the 1960s, in other words.