The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75240   Message #1319793
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
07-Nov-04 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election

What Big Mick meant by "shoot yourself in the foot" tactics is that the anger that you feel is being divisive and not inclusive. You will become as Groucho Marx has said, "Who'd want to be a member of a club that I'm in?" :)

A lot of Liberal Democrats voted for Kerry for valid reasons. He had the second largest turnout of voters in history (Bush had first) but Kerry got more votes than Ronald Reagan. Guest, shouldn't that tell you something about energizing the Left?

You might possibly find yourself charging up San Juan Hill without an army behind you. :)

That said, I believe in dialogue and am interested to hear what you have to say. Also, I believe that Ralph Nader did a lot of good for this country and have no desire to diss him but I can be critical of his timing in wanting to run for the presidency. As it stands, to pursue this line of conversation is flogging a dead horse.
