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Thread #75240   Message #1319839
Posted By: GUEST
07-Nov-04 - 04:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Thanks Frank, but I'm not too concerned about the progressive left being politically isolated in the future. But if I were you, I'd be pretty damn worried about being politically irrelevant to everyone. Because you are.

You want to stick with the status quo Democratic party 'move to the right, play to the middle class' strategy that has been losing elections for the Democrats for over 30 years now, you and Big Mick go right ahead. The progressive left doesn't need you dinosaurs.

I'll stick with kids who were the front line warriors in the Battle in Seattle, who felt your knives in their backs. Some of us know who we can and cannot trust, because we learned the hard way. From the likes of you and Big Mick and the Old School Old Left.

Bye bye.