The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14987   Message #131984
Posted By: Bill D
04-Nov-99 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: Thought for the Day (Nov 4)
Subject: RE: Thought for the Day (Nov 4)
.......I really WANT to belive in some sense of 'the sanctity of life'...etc. and to be against capital punishment, but I simply cannot any more.......

at a certain point, it becomes meaningless to talk about how many 'years' a person should serve in prison for deeds such as this pair committed. It is sad that ANY human ever become so amoral, and the exact causes vary, but once a person is so warped that they are capable of these things, I see no use in keeping them around...even in prison.
(Yes...I know ALL the arguments against capital punishment..).....if there were a way, I would prefer to have them just *poof*...disappear, rather than have public executions or parole hearings..but.........

if you do a search in AltaVista..(but please don't), you will find 635 hits on this well as entire web pages and a newsgroup....ENOUGH!