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Thread #75240   Message #1319918
Posted By: akenaton
07-Nov-04 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Im afraid you've got things wrong Frank.

Iv been involved in trying to reform the UK political system all my working life, and the condition of the poor and working people in general, in my opinion has never been worse.

Blair and the "New labour" project effectivly snuffed out all dissent in the Labour party,to make themselves "electible", and union organisers like Big Mick were complicit in the silencing of radical thought.
Now, after two terms of Govt they sit to the right of the Conservatives. Making and carrying out policys that the Conservative Party would be afraid to mention.

Union leaders have a duty to ensure that the people they represent are politically aware, and that obviously has not happened in America.
It has been my view for some time, that Union leaders and officials have a vested interest in keeping the system alive, and as such are not to be trusted.

Its going to be a hard job for Progressives to change the American mindset. People seem to be steeped in the "land of oppertunity" bullshit,while most of them are trying to hold down two or three jobs just to survive....Its the oldest trick in the book of Capitalism
Keep the poor busy competing with one another and they wont have the time or the will to question the system.

Im sure you,like me, remember the sixties and what was achieved by taking to the streets in public protest, well its time to break out the Red and black banners once again....Ake