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Thread #75240   Message #1320099
Posted By: Bobert
07-Nov-04 - 10:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
I can pinpoint when the Dems lost the election. It was when the DNC did the hatchet job on Howard Dean. Boy, they pulled in a few "markers" with the media and next thing you know, Howard Dean is not electable..." Blah, blah, blah...

Yep, that is when John Kerry lost...

Hey, why vote for Bush-Lite when you can have the real thing?

Nader has been telling the Dems this now for a long, long time and there aren't any more Bill Clinton's out there for the Dems..;.

So, my advice to my Dem friends. Sit down and listen to Nader for a few hours, say nothing, go home and think about what he has just told you.

At some point in time yer just going to have to look at one election cycle as the one to sacrifice to ideas. So what if you lose 55-45? That will mean that 45% of the folks are up to speed. Next time around people will have had time to think about what you are saying and it will be YOUR TURN!!! THe Repubs did it with Goldwater and its carried them for 40 years...

But if you wanta play Bush-Lite, play it. Just don't complain every election...
