The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75163   Message #1320465
Posted By: dianavan
08-Nov-04 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
Subject: RE: BS: Mandate, schmandate! Spin begins.
From the post - "The memos consisted of a series of e-mail messages between technical support personnel and sales representatives at Diebold discussing problems with their machines. The messages seemed to advocate Diebold representatives falsify security demonstrations for elections officials, as well as outlining security flaws in machines which had already been implemented in election precincts around the country. As of 2003, 37 states had contracts to use Diebold machines. "

Bev and Jerry - California rocks. This should have been a message to the other states. If Edwards is such a hot shot, lawyer - why did they let this election go through knowing that they would lose? I don't get it?
