The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15009   Message #132052
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
05-Nov-99 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Add to that love spuds, gonads, hairy saddlebags, scrotum, the wrinkled old family retainer, the tadpole hatchery, goolies, pods, knadgers, the family jewels, (meat and) two veg, hanging Johnnys, plums, hairy handful, family safe, miniature water wings (apparently they float....) testicles, cobblers, orchestras and knob attachments. Get the picture? Not that I'm obsessed with these things, no, not at all, only a passing comment really....

I try to ration myself to an hour at a time, on this, but already this week I've used up my ration until Christmas....

And if we are talking blood groups, I'm a 1 in 7, being a negative..... Any vampires come near me and they will have trouble I can tell you (too much garlic in the potatoes last night, the keyboard is starting to melt)!

Better go, supposed to be driving 30 miles to pick up a couple of trees today. I got Yew, babe!!


PS Micca really does hang upside down in a closet, if you can imagine a very short, very fat, vampire badger, that's him!