The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15009   Message #132083
Posted By: InOBU
05-Nov-99 - 07:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
Subject: RE: BS: Oh bollox! I've done it again!
On the Celtic Race... and there not being one. Absolutely true, it is a lingistic group, and in fact,in todays understanding among genetists, there is no such thing as race, but groups are racialized - divided out from the sense of a group by a hightening of focus on spesific points of differece, so for example, Irish Travellers are racialized by focus on culture rather than genes or morphology. Before I wound up in law school, I built and raced Irish Currachs. I helped to bring the sport of racing these boats to the US. Two clubs, Boston and Anapolis tried to bar black members of my team from rowing in their towns. One of my rowers, who was black, was an Irish citizen and spoke gaelic - so on great debate ran like this. A six generation or so Irish American from Anapolis says, shouldnt this all be Irish anyhow? Fine, I say, if that is the case, one of my black rowers is in, and you are out, as you are an American with an Irish name, and not Irish. Well, says he, you know what I mean Celtic (pronoucing it with the soft s at the start) There you go again, says I, you cant even pronouce enough of the language to say Kelt, so black crew in my club who speak gaelic or any other celtic language are in and you are out. Funny old world. All the best, get some sleep Larry