The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75135   Message #1320878
Posted By: alanww
08-Nov-04 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005+ - news, info & support
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005+ - news, info & support
Well said, Tony!
That's the sort of good news we were all waiting for (or rather nearly all of us). I shall be there, no doubt as many other Mudcatters will be. I am sure that those of us who do turn up will do our bits to contribute to a less commercial but no less enjoyable festival. More strength to your arm and to the others in the steering committee - not forgetting the Sidmouth Town Council & East Devon District Council who will still be making contributions in money and/or in kind. Like the phoenix...
"I like to rise" ... again!