The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75274   Message #1320973
Posted By: Cluin
08-Nov-04 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are we generalising about Americans?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are we generalising about Americans?
I have often heard disparaging remarks about Americans in Canada. We all have. (I've heard them in Britain and Ireland too) Why?... Because there are just as many stupid Canadians as there are stupid Americans. For those kind of people, it wouldn't matter what side of the border they lived on; they'd still be looking down their noses at the "other" side.

I've heard quite a few non-flattering things about Canadians when I've been in the States too. Doesn't really mean much; it's just people blowing hot air around. They're mostly speaking from ignorance (but a few WERE really mean-spirited). When they realized I was Canadian, they were quick to backtrack and say "Well, not ALL Canadians..." etc., etc. Unless they were drunk....

I'm sure you wouldn't hear much in the way of anti-American comments, jimmyt. For several reasons: first, you probably only met good people, right? ;)   And even if they weren't good folks, they were probably either chickenshits or they wanted your money.