The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75310   Message #1321483
Posted By: GUEST
09-Nov-04 - 11:16 AM
Thread Name: The last lyric that made you smile
Subject: RE: The last lyric that made you smile
Every once and awhile a song comes back to you that you haven't even thought of in years. For me I caught myself humming a song that I used to here Michael Cooney play a bunch when I was a child at the Arc in Ann Arbor Michigan. The song was Lou and Peter Berryman's The F-Word.

This brought back a whole lot of memories of their album So Comfortable that my parents bought for me - in the ever increasingly difficult battle to maintain my folk upbringing and the crap that populated the airwaves in the mid-eighties.

I bought the Berryman's album of Ebay and after listening to the familar noises from my youth I was struck with the lyrics of their song "When did we have saurkraut?" A song I loved when I was a child but never really listened to the lyrics.

In this one line, I feel that the Berryman's summed up completely what it was like to live in the Midwest - the place we moved shortly after I was given the album.

So after a long story, and a happy refind in the album:

"And by the way I stopped off at the Belvedere Oasis
Which is such a pretty name for such an ugly place to go."