The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75298   Message #1321610
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
09-Nov-04 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
Subject: RE: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
This month two years ago. There was an artist playing my local town, and he was a favourite of my brother in law, who had never seen the guy play live. So I got tickets for the whole family - an early Christmas present and my brother in law and his wife drove two hundred miles to see his hero.

Just before the performance a guy came onstage and said, I'm sorry the artist isn't very well. he might be able to do one or two of his gentler numbers but thats it.

I was furious. A hundred and twenty quid on tickets and the guy brings a sickie! Brilliant! And I said so.

Well the artist came on . he did the performance of his life. all his hits . One hour forty minutes without blinking. Standing ovations. He shouts to the audience - see you next time!

Three days later the guy was dead. His name...... Lonnie Donnegan. For the rest of my life I will feel guilty about my loud mouthed stupidity - I just hope to christ he didn't hear a word of it.

If you feel ill. Take the time off. Live to fight another day. the show does NOT need to go on. Screw dr showbusiness, and the adrenaline fix. Absolutely nothing is that important

And supposing you do give a really crap performance - on a professional level that means there will maybe be room full of people walking round for eternity telling the world that you're crap, and not worth seeing.

It really is a crap scenario, but if you are wise you will cut your losses.