The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75298   Message #1321945
Posted By: Cats
09-Nov-04 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
Subject: RE: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
Last month I did a gig with the rest of Cornwall songwriters and I had had virtually no voice for nearly a week. So, what did I do? I mimed joining in the choruses and just before the three songs I do either on my own or with one of the others, I took a huge swig of Buttercup syrup!! I got through a whole bottle in 2 hours. I managed to sing gently but had absolutley no voice whatsoever for over a week and spent the next 24 hours on the loo suffering the after effects of too much syrup! Really, I was a fool and shouldn't have done it. Someone else in the show could have sung my part. Although I did get one amazing response - if you sing like that without a voice, I can't wait to hear you when you have it all back! don't be rash. YTraet your voice with care, it's the only one you have. As for migraine, that's a totally different matter. If I had had a migraine that night I would not have been able to move, let alone sing, and there is nothing you can do about it.