The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75240   Message #1321975
Posted By: GUEST,Frank
09-Nov-04 - 06:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
"But if I were you, I'd be pretty damn worried about being politically irrelevant to everyone. Because you are."

No Guest, you are the one who is irrelevant because you are adopting the same old tactics of the Old Left. I've heard young kids like you before. Smoke and fury signifying nothing. Actually, I read the Nader posts that you sent and here is my reaction.

Nader is a divider not a uniter. He has some good ideas but his attacks on the Democrats and on Kerry weaken his ability to build a relevant coalition.
He is in "consumer protector" mode which is where his talents really shine.
But he doesn't have the vision to create a mass following. Kerry was on the verge of this but didn't quite get through although when I heard his live stump speeches, I had more a comprehensive idea of what his platform was.

Yes, the Big Bad Republicans have hi-jacked the election, inculcated a policy of pre-emption without cause, screwed the working people, given our tax dollars to the corporate tax-evading thieves, sent us into a meaningless brutal war and judging from your posts, managed to divide the Liberals and Progressives even more.

So, take to the streets, yell and scream, jump up and down and curse everyone who doesn't agree with you. Let's see you build any kind of viable movement with this kind of behavior.

In the meantime, I will try to reach all kinds of people who may have different points-of-view and attempt to convince them that basically we want the same things. We want tolerance, a chance at a decent job, a world community that doesn't hate us, a better world for our chlldren who won't bear the burden of a runaway deficit, a legal system that protects the poor and middle class citizen from the selfish corporate oppression. Health care for kids, available also for everyone else.Economic rights regardless of sexual orientation or race or culture. To me, this is relevance. To me this is true morality.
