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Thread #75240   Message #1321993
Posted By: Bobert
09-Nov-04 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Subject: RE: BS: Nader's & Progressives Spin on Election
Yer missing the point, Frank. We don't need Nader, with all his baggage to put togeter a coilition. We need the Democratic Party to do it and become a real "opposition" party.

Other than the usual rhetoric that came from Kerry's campaign, it was short on real ideas. Not that Bush had ot gad to show any of his own because he was in incymbant during a war and gets a big advantage from that. But, really, strip away the rhetoric from Kerry's campaign and there wasn't much there.

Sure it's easy to say that you are going to spend more on eductaion but harder to pinpoint just how it will be done and where exactly the mone will go. The blanket "roll back the tax cuts to the wealthy" is also just rhetoric. First, how is this going to be accomplished with a Repub led legislature and, second, even if you have a secret plan to get the Congress to go along with it, yer still not going to fund everything with that one revenue source... And as for outsourcing of jobs. Can anyone really tell me specifically how that was going to be accomplished other the rhetorical answer of stopping rewarding companies for doing it??? No? I didn't think so.

See, that's what Nader has to offer the Dems. If you listen to him you find out that he knows alot about alot of stuff and is a vast resource. If the Dems would just quietly ask Nader to advise them on policy positions, the Dems could then go out an build the coilitions around a specfic agenda. Ralph Nader may be thought of as a "flaming Liberal", or commie, or whatever, but labels don't matter when a guy is talking about stuff, like Dennis Kucinich did during the campaign, that makes sense to the majority of the population and is affordable at thr same time...

Nader in '08...
