The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55453   Message #1322073
Posted By: Tannywheeler
09-Nov-04 - 08:16 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Nine Pound Hammer
Subject: RE: Lyr. & Origin: Nine Pound Hammer Songs
Missed any refer. to Leadbelly's "Take This Hammer". I was told it could be about a guy dying on the job. The job could be puttin' a tunnel through a mountain (John Henry), breakin' boulders in a prison gang, pounding spikes into railroad ties/rails.

Take this hammuh(wow), 'n' carry it to de captain(wow).
(2 repeats -- the (wow)s are vocalizations of the beat of the hammer)
Tell him Ahm gawn, man,
Ya kin tell him Ahm gawn.(wow)

If he ast yew(wow), was Ah runnin'(wow)
(2 repeats)
Tell him Ah 'uz flyin', boys,
Tell him Ah 'us flyin.(wow)

If he ast yew(wow), was Ah laughin'(wow)
(2 repeats)
Tell him Ah 'uz cryin', boys.
Tell him Ah 'uz cryin'.(wow)

Also, the words "man" and "boys" are vocalizations indicating the beat of the hammer. This being a work song. There was also a cornbread-and-molasses verse sometimes.   Tw