The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75298   Message #1322294
Posted By: fiddler
10-Nov-04 - 03:54 AM
Thread Name: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
Subject: RE: What happens if you're sick at gig-time?
I've skimmed over this thread and seen the opinions - much as expected. When I worked in Stage (Opera) we used to cal the thing stage Doctor - It is amazing how many stories exist of performers hwo have got off their sick (in some cases death) bed (probably architypal myth and legend) and given the performance to end all then gone back to bed and the audience never knew. Adrenaline dulls some aspects of illness and sharpens you in other areas.

I've never cnacelled yet - though I've tried occasionally - I once did i gig (calling) where when I was not on stage I was wrapped in a blanket in the corner drinking hot lemon - The audience were unaware - the organisors found out at the end when the rest of the band packed my stuff up and offered to drive me home!

I have a very serious contract to perform for a few hunderd people there is no get out clause!

Call me a fool if you will - I don't mind1
