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Thread #75274   Message #1322779
Posted By: Greg F.
10-Nov-04 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why are we generalising about Americans?
Subject: RE: BS: Why are we generalising about Americans?
No, Martin, this is America and if the majority of voters believe this nonsense, then they are, indeed, idiots and the generalizations aren't too far off:

"Bush supporters apparently live in a world of their own The Program on International Policy Attitudes ( found in surveys done in September and October that, contrary to established and well-publicized facts:

- 75% believe Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.
- 74% believe Bush favors including labor and environmental standards in agreements on trade.
- 72% believe Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or a program to develop them.
- 72% believe Bush supports the treaty banning land mines.
- 69% believe Bush supports the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.
- 61% believe ff Bush had known there were no WMD he would not have gone to war.
- 58% believe the Duelfer report concluded that Iraq had either WMD or a major program to develop them.
- 57% believe that the majority of people in the world want Bush reelected.
- 55% believe the 9/11 report conduded Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda.
- 51% believe Bush supports the Kyoto treaty to conlrol global warming.
- 20% believe Iraq was directly involved in 9/11."