The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75408   Message #1323938
Posted By: Bobert
11-Nov-04 - 06:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
Well, as a few of you know, this ol' hillbilly is a Christian. I've made no bones about it an' on one occasion was accused of interjectin' my Faith in too many threads... I don't think I have done that but, hey, some folks is real touchy when it comes to Faith issues.

With that said, I don't see God as all knowing or able to change bad things that happen. The evangical community may have a different opionion but, as these folks care more about the Old Testamant than the teachin's of Jesus I'd just ask them one question. If God could control everything then why, if you believe everything in the Old Testament, did God flood the earth? Why didn't He just make people do and act better?

I don't think that God makes folks start wars, 'er hurt other folks, 'er kids run into the street after balls and get hit by cars and killed, yet these things do happen.

What God does, however, is Bless us all with His love. And He, thru the Holy Spirit, speaks to us daily. He leads us. He cajoles us. Sometimes He speaks very loudly to us as to what we are to do... He provides comfort when we need it... And when we fail, He tells us that we'll do better next time... And probably the most important thing that God does is offer us forgiveness, shopuld we ask, for our bad behaviors...

And I'm sure that there are days when God puts His head in his hand and says to Himself, "I'll do better tomorrow..."

That's my take...
