The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75374   Message #1324293
Posted By: dianavan
12-Nov-04 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jessica and the Bureaucrats
Subject: RE: BS: Jessica and the Bureaucrats
Basically, most immigration laws are the same in respect to those who need medical care and/or social services. If it can be proved that Jessica will not be a 'burden to the state', an appeal can be made on humanitarian grounds.

Presenting a petition is helpful - especially if the people signing know the family, personally or if it is signed by community members. Immigration is used to dealing with these special cases all the time. Ask them what is required to overturn the decision. Go to your local politicians and especially your local newspaper. Go to community, mental health professionals. Ask for help from people who can actually make a difference. Remember, its just a rubber stamp - behind it is the hand of a human being.
