The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75436   Message #1324479
Posted By: Bobert
12-Nov-04 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Dyslexia
Hey, wait jus' a gol danged minute here!!!

Spellin' ain't half as important as content. Might of fact nondyslexic brain processes information very similar to those of us you have lexdexia.

See, when "nons" read a word they don't read every letter. as long as the first and last letters are in the right place and most of the other letters are between 'um it really don't matter much. The average "non" will get it and not give it another thought, unless the avrerage non is a spellin' taecher 'er one of them folks who jus' likes to be over critical...

But now for the lexdexics. What "nons" do in readin' a word, lexdexics do to an' entire groups of words... You know like paragraphs. We tend to mix 'um up. Sometimes we'll pull down a word from a line or two above or under the line we're trying to read and read it into what we are reading. Lots of times we'll just rearrange them in the line we're readin'... So instead of "The cow jumped over the moon" it becomes "The moon jumped cow"... Now if the line above
what we're readin' is "Blue is the color of my true love's eyes" then we might process something like "The blue moon jumped cow"...

As an adult lexdexic and looking back when I was trying to learn to read it was very frustratin' because what was being presented to me in the printed form did not square with my knowledge of language. There ain't no pills fir it either. One jus' developes little tricks, like using pointer to keep the words being processed in order... I use the pudder arrow when readin' and that works purdy good but I'll jus' confess to passing by posts that are long drawn out cut and paste threads unldess the first paragraph really grabs me because they wear me out...

But, hey, I know folks will joke about us lexdexics but most of us don't care because if we hadn't figured out how to read we wouldn't be here to read 'um... As fir spellin'... life's too short!

Lexdexic and proud of it...

Okay, maybe not proud... but not ashanmed either...
