The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15026   Message #132455
Posted By: _gargoyle
05-Nov-99 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Asterisk Euphemism
Subject: RE: BS: Asterisk Euphemism
thank you, thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!


Previously, I committed to the philosophy of "Amster-Amster... sheeer.shheeer...sheer...." (You shouldn't say that 'naughty word') but now you have given all of us free liscence to return to the "original" non- PC traditon the ....DT of the past....

Halleluahah!!!!! "No holds barred".....we can speak our mind's again....without worrying about the "kiddies" (or the "thin-skinned.")

Damn the torpedoes....full speed ahead.