The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66092   Message #1324735
Posted By: katlaughing
12-Nov-04 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Subject: RE: Kat's Dad, Sparky, needs some good thoughts
Ah, thanks for that, McGrath. I KNow that song well, it's one of my favs. Dad reminds me of that old fellah, too.

Last night I spoke to his wife and things are about the same. They still aren't sure exactly what's going on, but at least he's more comfortable and not hallucinating now. They are going to start treating him for depression, I think.It just dawned on them that he might ya think? He hasn't played music in over a year! I feel like an idiot for not mentioning it to them...cripes her son-in-law is a doc...I figured they'd know, ya know? I wish I could have been a better advocate for him, but he doesn't let me know what's going on...barely let's his wife know, so I just keep telling myself, this is what he chose and I love him and he loves me. May he go in peace.

Now it sounds as though he will be in hospital for another six days, then will have to go to rehab for who knows how long. There are people there who know him as a kind musician, so he shouldn't be as lonely as at home hwn his wife is gone to work, so maybe it'll perk him up. On the other hand he misses his little Jack Russell, Ms Jackie O'! And, his kitties.

I am rambling. Thanks for lsitening ya'll. Thanks for all of the good thoughts, wishes, prayers, etc. I love you,
