The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #2839   Message #13250
Posted By: Bruce
26-Sep-97 - 02:07 PM
Thread Name: straight & sober song circle
"The Parting Glass" was originally a Scots song. Two early texts of the song are given below. Variants of the tune "Good night and God/joy go wi' you a'" go back to copies in the Skene and Guthrie MSS of the 17th century, and the tune is in Playford's 'Original Scotch Tunes,' 1700. Several other copies of the tune were published in Scotland prior to that in 'The Scots Musical Museum'. [Mitchell, Highland Fair, 1731; Oswald, CPC bk4, c 1752; McGibbon, 1755; Bremner's McGibbon, c 1768]

From 'Scots Musical Museum', #600 (1803/4)

The night is my departing night,
The morn's the day I mun awa,
There's no a friend of fae o' mine,
But wishes that I were awa.
What I hae done for lack o' wit
I never never can rec.
I trust ye're a my friends as yet,
Gude night and joy be wi' you a'.

Earlier, c 1750, on a broadside (Roxburghe Ballads) we have:

Good Night, and God be with you all;
Or, The Neighbour's Farewell to his Friends.

Now come is my departing time,
And here I may no longer stay,
There is no kind comrade of mine
But will desire I were away,
But if that time will me permit,
Which from your Company doth call,
And me inforceth for to fit,
Good Night, and GOD be with you all.

For here I grant some time I spent
In loving kind good Company;
For all offences I repent,
And wishe them now forgiven to be;
What I have done, for want of wit,
To Memory I’le not recall:
I hope ye are my Friends as yet,
Good Night, and GOD be with you all.

Complementing I never lov'd,
Nor talkative much for to be,
And of speeches a multitude
Becomes no man of quality;
From Faith, Love, Peace, and Unity,
I wish none of us ever fall;
God grant us all prosperity:
Good Night, and GOD be with you all.

I wish that I might longer stay,
To enjoy your Society;
The Lord to bless you night and day,
And still be in your Company.
To vice nor to iniquity,
God grant none of you ever fall,
God's Blessing keep both you and me!
Good Night, and GOD be with you all.

The Friend's Reply.

Most loving friend, God be thy guide,
And never leave thy Company,
And all things needful thee provide,
And give thee all prosperity;
We'd rather had thy Company,
If thou would'st have stayed us among;
We wish thee much felicity:
God grant that nothing do thee wrong.