The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75436   Message #1325169
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
12-Nov-04 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Dyslexia
Guest- thanks fpr your concern [it is apreshiated]
howwver, nowadays i don't give a flying fuck waht anyone says about me [as long as they use their regiular mudcat name].

a while ago, i got offendeed at people cometning [i think ive spelt co#menting wrong, but i dont care!]
about my spelling mistakes, [wehen i first joined here in 2000, thereb was Murray Mclreod and Skipjack K8 , that felt it nessersary to comment on my bad spelling, at that time i felt outcast, and posted to the main forum., [and PM'f them both], ie "sorry if my bad spelling anoys you, i'm dislexic, if you prefer, i'll stop posting here, and just read the threads"

there reply was="don't be daft john, we like you, and want you to stay here"

At the time I thought Skipjack8 was a complete wanker, and more interested in spelling than music=

I have since met him, and nothing could be further form the truth, he is an all round good guy, and an exelent musician, [fiddle, accordian etc], in fact, i've forgotten all about him taking the piss out of my spelinng, and ive booked him and his band for a gig in hull!

I don't give a shit waht anyone says about me, if they are good musicans, i'll do waht i can to get them a gig.

There was a thread a while back, [some arguing shit],
skipjack posted, saying=
"dont forget why we are here"
he means = we are here fore the music, ie see wahts happeningf in your area, se waht festivals etc etc"
any extra stuff, is not important, its just cit chat and bullsit,
ok some of it is important, [worlfd issues etc], or funny.
but the main thinhg here is music.

a while ago, i posted that i'm starting a folk club in Hull, =
Murray Mcleod posted to it, saying=
"good luck wihth it john, i will go, next time i'me in hull"

to all people=
this whole thing is about music, if you spell bad= it doesent matter,
make a folk club, or start a session or wahtever, but wahtever you do, make sure you keep live musc going.
