The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75436   Message #1325249
Posted By: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull
12-Nov-04 - 10:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dyslexia
Subject: RE: BS: Dyslexia
Raedwulf-you can fuck off and kiss ,my big fat hairy arse.

your obviousyly as thick as pig shit,
note i don't give a flying fuck waht you [or anyone else] thinks of my spelling.

tell me=wehn have i ever said that that i miss spell on perpos?
your making it up, and your full of shit, and trying to make trubble.

note=wehn i possted to this thread, i had not read weird wolfs post, i was replying to the first message on this thread.

Readwolf- pm me your addres, and i'll send you my school records.

do you think that somene would pretend to be bad at spelling for 4 years?
if so, why?

[click on my name in any thread, after one of my first posts-
someone said "you spelled that wrong",
my reply was, ="so waht, i thought this was a music site, not a spelling site?

anyway=fuck off.