The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75198   Message #1325701
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Nov-04 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal Democratic nervous breakdown
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal Democratic nervous breakdown
Actually, GUEST, that's not true. What you do is read the posts and then reply to them by using other posts. It kind of makes me laugh. But that is OK. I actually enjoy the new relationship because it allows me to do what I asked that we do at least 4 times. It allows a discussion of the issues without the invective. And it allows a discussion of other things we have a common interest in, such as Great Lakes shipwrecks.

Works pretty good, and it is nice to be able to see your intellect without the nastiness.

But I do wish you would answer the questions about Nader and how you could support him. You have been ducking that since I first raised it.
