The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75408   Message #1325968
Posted By: George Papavgeris
13-Nov-04 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
*Laura*, you ask "Why me?". The short answer is "Why not?". Why do 1,000 ants drown for one to cross the water?

We are anthropocentric, virtually by definition, and we see everything - including God and religion - through their relationship (and effect) on us. This often stops us from seeing properly our place in the grander scheme of things (as in Nature), because we believe that we somehow have more rights than other creatures, by virtue of our intelligence or power to dominate.

But try to see yourself as a little ant or even less significant than that - which I argue we all are - and you'l see why the original question makes no sense.