The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75488   Message #1326172
Posted By: GUEST
13-Nov-04 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Curious About Mudcat Veterans
Subject: BS: Curious About Mudcat Veterans
I'm guessing I'll likely get slammed for daring to post this question, so I have saved it until after Veteran's Day/Remembrance Day. Some of you may or may not know that I am morally opposed to war, and have never supported a war my nation has fought in my lifetime. I have no agenda in posting this, other than satisfying my own and I'm sure other Mudcat posters' curiousity about the military veterans among us.

Now, before I posted this, I had a look see in the archives. I don't recall ever seeing, and did find in the archives, a thread where all the Mudcat military vets tell about their personal military service, in the same way that people have posted to threads about what they do for a living, how old they are, how they came up with their Mudcat name, that sort of thing.

I know we've had stories from here and there throughout the threads down through the years about some posters' military service, but never in one thread. I was thinking it need not be complicated or anything, perhaps just "I'm from the US/UK/Aus or wherever, I served in this branch of the military from 19XX-19XX, during the _____ War, in ________ (country or place name where served). I'm not interested in who saw combat and who didn't, or war stories or anything. Just curious about peoples' military service.

I believe there are a number of veterans who are regulars here, not just from the US, and it would be interesting to hear what their military background is.

Starting with myself, I have never served in the military. I came of age during the Vietnam War in 1970, had no college deferment, but was never drafted.