The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75408   Message #1326229
Posted By: Cruiser
14-Nov-04 - 01:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
"Joe Campbell said that there is nothing wrong with Myths"
{End Quote}

I enjoyed Mr. Campbell's PBS special. However, I disagree with the quote above by Frank.

The God Myth is a powerful, devastatng justification for misdeeds to humanity in the mind of (and he would say "in his heart of hearts") of someone like Mr. Bush and like-minded Evangelicals.

The belief in any God, especially an anthropomorphic God, is not rational, logical, reasonable, commonsensical, and not even good horse sense. I am astounded that in this age of science and reason that a 2000 poll found 94% of the respondents believed in God.

Freightdawg, I commend your introspection. There are other good posts on this subject in this thread.

I have written on the God topic elsewhere on this forum so I won't go into that detail here. I would only ask that each individual give themselves credit for possessing the attributes of decency, kindness, solicitude, and humanity instead of ascribing that goodness to a nonsensical, supernatural, mythical diety or some other etheric idealism.
