The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75374   Message #1326261
Posted By: GUEST
14-Nov-04 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Jessica and the Bureaucrats
Subject: RE: BS: Jessica and the Bureaucrats
gargoyle, this is a thread for people who want to help. No Cindy has not deliberately damaged her child in order to gain benefit. Comments like yours are ignorant, malicious and slanderous. Parents of children with medical problems usually did not plan for this to happen. and they try their hardest to help their kids.

in the opening post of this thread, it was said clearly that this thread is for people who want to help Cindy and Jessica cope with the situation until the family can be re-united. And that if anybody wants to argue that this is a waste of time or whatever, please do that arguing in some other thread.