The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14748   Message #132658
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
06-Nov-99 - 04:22 PM
Thread Name: New Catters in the last 2 months?
Subject: RE: New Catters in the last 2 months?
Well I supose I'd better do this bit, seeing as how I've poked my fourpence worth in everywhere else....

I'm known as Liz the Squeak, I'm about halfway, and live in East London, not too far from Micca. 'Twas he introduced me to this site, along with a lot of other things that are bad for me, so blame him...

I'm loud, Christian (not that you'd notice!), interested in chocolate, reading, singing, beer, chocolate, getting a job and screwing my former employers for everything I can. I'm asthmatic, have a 3 year old daughter who eats cat biscuits and hardly wears clothes (although today she has managed to wear 2 pairs of tights (pantyhose) and get holes in them both, both brand new.....), like chocolate, have done my time on the boards, worked in a military museum, do family history (genealogy, and yes I do know about the Mormon websites) and originally lived in Dorset, not that far from Stella. I have been a morris dancer (til the lungs packed up), still have a lot of connections with morris dancers (shut up Micca) and eat chocolate a lot. Oh, I build and dance with giants. And I'm known as the squeak because I upset passing bats and Les Barker.

Anything else???