The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75445   Message #1326730
Posted By: freda underhill
14-Nov-04 - 05:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Immigration and disability
Subject: RE: BS: Immigration and disability
"If someone asks for help I have every right to ask why. Based on the facts presented I can make a decision. Is that so very unreasonable?"

yes, your obsessive determination to discredit this family is unreasonable, don't even bother pretending that you are "helping".

"If I had recieved such a letter I would be quoting it to anyone who would listen and could help."

unless you understood, as previously explained, that once she leaves australian soil her legal situation changes, and the letter is no longer relevant.

"If as you say the contents of it are 'irrelevant', why was it ever mentioned. Especially as it is from a Govt of a country that she does not wish to reside in?"

Cindy has not said she does not wish to reside in Australia, rather she is unable to live there.

Cindy mentioned the letter happened as part of the process of explaining what has happened to that family. she was telling the history of events. in that context, it is relevant.

For someone who has a history of complaining loudly when your comments are deleted, you show a strange compulsion to be telling Cindy what she should say, what she should and shouldnt mention. I guess hypocrisy knows no bounds.