The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75445   Message #1326731
Posted By: GUEST
14-Nov-04 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Immigration and disability
Subject: RE: BS: Immigration and disability
Jessica and I moved to Australia with Russell (in December of 2000). We fully intended to live the remainder of our lives there. Jessica and I applied for residency in Australia, but in November of 2003 our residency application was denied. The denial was based on medical grounds: Jessica would cost the Australian government to much money because she is mental ill. We were told we had to leave Australia.

Australia's decision sounded pretty relevant to sage when she wrote the above in her website.

I didn't ignore your offer McGrath. You gave me the option of proving my integrity by PM'ing you. Apart from the fact I would not have a clue how to do that, I didn't feel the need to PM what I had to say. I also don't need to prove myself.

Like you I have strong personal reasons for being concerned about discrimination when it comes to disability.