The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75537   Message #1327573
Posted By: Barbara Shaw
15-Nov-04 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Subject: RE: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Hey, I'm a die-hard bluegrasser, and I also love folk music (of which I feel bluegrass is a part). I usually don't care much for watching a single performer with a single instrument, having experienced the joy of participating in as well as listening to harmony and instrumental ensembles in other genres, although there is the occasional performer who can keep my interest solo.

It's often true what they say about the lyrics in bluegrass vs folk, and sometimes it's hard to find songs our bluegrass band can do that don't make me gag. On the other hand, many singer/songwriter songs make me gag. And some of both types simply bore me. If I want intellectual stimulation (which I often do), I'm less likely to look for it in music than in some other medium. Music for me is more visceral.

It's not true that bluegrass is all fast, and it is true that some folk is very fast (e.g. old-timey tunes).

If I have my choice of listening to a solo vs duet vs trio vs quartet vs quintet (stop there) I generally feel that more is more and will more likely end up at a bluegrass concert than a folk concert because more folkies perform alone. Which also accounts for some of their "liberties" with rhythm and timing, which is less often found in ensembles.

At the risk of perpetuating more stereotypes and generalizations, I'll join in this fun discussion anyway. Jerry, you find some fine ways to get us talking!