The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75537   Message #1327691
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
15-Nov-04 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Subject: RE: Why Bluegrass musicians don't like folk
Man, ask the question and leave the computer for a couple of hours and then settle in for a long, enjoyable read! I pretty much agree with everything that folks are saying in here, and I thought Uncle Dave-O was especially on target.

I dug out an old article I wrote on the difference between bluegrass groups, old-time string bands and folk singers and thought I'd throw it on here. With tongue firmly in cheek.

Bluegrass Bands:
Wear shirts and ties; sometimes even three piece suits
Do "shows"
Say Mam a lot
Play instrumentals really fast
Always have a gospel segment of their show
Perform standing up and display fancy footwork
Don't encourage the audience to sing along

Old-time String Bands:
Tune their instruments a lot
Usually wear shirts, but never ties
Crack each other up
Perform sitting down, or if standing are on the clumsy side
Preface each song with a lengthy historical background about the band and the recording that was their source
Don't encourage the audience to sing along

Folk Singers"
Wouldn't be caught dead wearing a tie, except Bob Franke
Sit down while they perform as often as they stand up
Like to talk with the audience
Often grind their own axes
Encourage the audience to sing along
Don't generally think of themselves as "entertainers"

In the article, I also found some other quotes from the bluegrass fans:
"Bluegrass is for the lower call; folk music is for the upper class"

And I added: Bluegrass music does seem to be quintessentially Amurican. John Wayne, red, white and blue, Budweiser, hunting dog, pick up truck, feed hat music. Folk music is Public Television. Bluegrass is Hee Haw
