The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35861   Message #1327747
Posted By: sue exhull
15-Nov-04 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Luckiest Sailor (Linda Kelly)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Luckiest Sailor
HI Willa Thanks so much for the link yes his name is there (His real name was Enoch, but everyone called him Alf) I remember my mam and dad going to the service, we have some photos somewhere of all the flowers etc. I think I may have the book was it called A Triple Tragedy?? Ive been trying to find it in one of my many unpacked boxes :( since I moved last year, I have to admit I havent ever read it, because everytime I see the pictures of the ships iced up, it horrifies me (isnt that pathetic, and me ,a fishermans grand daughter) I am ashamed really, but I never realised just how hard their lives were. Has anyone heard anything about a film been made of the trawler disaster? my sister told me a few months back she had ead it in the H.D.M. and promptly rang the editor and told him what she thought of him!! anyway, thanks for that link, its weird to see his name on here,its really nice to know people are so willing to help   Best wishes    Sue x