The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35861   Message #1327792
Posted By: Willa
15-Nov-04 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Luckiest Sailor (Linda Kelly)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Luckiest Sailor
There was a proposal by a local man to put a film together, but I think his intention was simply to get those who didn't know about the tragedy and the trawlermen's hard lives to realise the dangers they faced; he was not intending to sensationalise events. Perhaps the reaction from local people was enough to put him off the project.

My own grandfather was a Hull skipper whose vessel was torpedoed in 1941 and went down with all hands, according to the logbook of the u-boat captain responsible, in 15 seconds. Grandfather's ship had earlier diverted to pick up some of the crew of a Norwegian trawler which had been sunk and had taken them to safety.The u-boat was itself sunk the following year; so many stories like that.
If you ever get the chance to visit the Hull Maritime Museum, ask to see the Book of Remembrance, which is beautifully illustrated and contains the names of 6000 men from the area who were ost at sea. Your granfather's name will be one of them.