The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75408   Message #1327846
Posted By: GUEST,Ooh-Aah2
15-Nov-04 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: religious question
Subject: RE: BS: religious question
I'm another Germanic Pagan (Waes Hael Readwulf!) For me Paganism is primarily about worshipping the Earth as itself, and not greedily demanding MORE - more life, more than nature supplies. However to get back to the thread topic, one thing I admire about the Greek, Roman and Northern gods is there was no pretense that they were all sweetness and light - Christians always talk about the immoral or violent episodes in Pagan mythologies as negatives, but to me they are positives, in that they provide a much more realistic explanation for 'shit happening' than the all-good omniscient god who still lets shit happen.