The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75136   Message #1327969
Posted By: GUEST,Carmen
15-Nov-04 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2005+ - opinions
Four points from a new and almost virginal mudcat poster:

i) To Tony Day who reported "It is a strict rule of AFO that it never passes judgement on a festival or how it is organised." Nobody can pass judgement on Sidmouth 2005 as it has yet to take place but surely anyone can comment on the removal of council funding support for Sidmouth 2005 and the lack of local business funding support for Sidmouth 2004 and 2005... which coupled with the departure of Steve Heap must impact on the chances of any festival in 2005 being a success? Don't be so sensitive towards your critics. And don't try and impersonate Inspector Clouseau again as you just sound silly.

ii) To Greg Stephens. I do not know what an "experienced festival organiser" looks or sounds like as the organisers of festivals I attend seem to stay in the background but I can understand any organiser posting on this board wishing to hide their true identity. Why? Firstly because of the Festival Organisers Association rule above. Secondly because anyone who questions the prospects for Sidmouth 2005 gets subjected to a tirade of abuse and I guess organisers of other festivals have enough problems with their own events without being 'named and shamed' for daring to comment on Sidmouth as well.

iii) To Anon., Another Festival Organiser and Report from Telford. I'll assume you are all men because women have better things to do than write messages like yours but if any or all of you are genuine in wishing to point Sidmouth 2005 in the right direction then perhaps you might offer to at least give constructive advice to those struggling to make things happen next year? Stay anonymous if you must but offers to help others avoid the pitfalls you describe would make this whole debate more useful and worthwhile.

iv) To Mudcat. Mr. Mudcat or Ms. Mudcat? The rest of your forum is tremendously interesting and I enjoy reading numerous posts on all manner of subjects from people with an incredible depth of knowledge about this thing we call folk music. However... if the numerous Sidmouth debates cannot be transformed into something more useful and positive then could you please consider deleting the word 'Sidmouth' from Mudcat altogether until the various parties get their acts together and come up with something worth reading again?