The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75036   Message #1330283
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Nov-04 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Religion a form of Mental Illness ???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Religion a form of Mental Illness ???
I've every bit as concerned about truth as you are, Peter K., and I do not belong to ANY official religion. Neither do I get emotional satisfaction out of attacking them all on principle, as I gather you do. And how do you know religious faith is based on a "fallacy". You don't. You just think so. That's your privilege.

Wolfgang - "when she (my daughter) asked me last year whether there is a god I told her the truth"

Ah. Really. And what is "the truth", Wolfgang? Pilate asked Jesus that momentous question, and Jesus responded with silence. (Pilate was not asking the question in good faith, and I doubt he was capable of understanding any answer that could have been given in words.)

You don't know what the truth is in the ultimate sense of the word "truth", Wolfgang, but you have an opinion about it, so I hope you said to your daughter, "It is my opinion that there is no God." If you said that, I have no objection. If you said categorically that "there IS no God" you stated something which is beyond your capability of knowing in the first place.

Non-religious people, I've noticed, always couch their arguments in this form...they automatically assume that religious (or spiritually-minded) people MUST, by definition, believe things they consider "virgin birth", "parting seas, guys coming back from the dead, angels, sky gods, heaven and hell"...and so on...

Well PISS OFF! You self-important, self-satisfied, self-congratulatory pricks! Have you never heard of metaphor? A person can very easily be religiously or spiritually-minded and not believe literally in ANY of those unusual or bizarre things you like to smear every non-atheist with. Everyone who thinks differently from you is not by definition some kind of superstitious idiot.