The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66070   Message #1330820
Posted By: MBSLynne
18-Nov-04 - 02:54 AM
Thread Name: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
Subject: RE: Midde Bar Singers Winter Reunion
Guest...did you refresh this thread just to be unpleasant? Actually the Middle Bar Reunion has very little to do with the actual Sidmouth festival, though of course it wouldn't exist if the festival had never been. The Reunion is now a folk event in it's own right, which takes place in one pub and impinges hardly at all on the rest of Sidmouth or Sidmouth festival. YOU may think Sidmouth 2005 is going to be rubbish...we will make sure it isn't. And the reunion is going to be GREAT as usual!! My advice to you if you think that, is "Don't go to the reunion. Don't go to Sidmouth 2005, but let the rest of us get on and enjoy our festivals as we always do."

The only point I can see anyone having in making an anonymous posting of this nature, is to try and undermine the festival...again. So I wonder who GUEST could possibly be?????