The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #27911   Message #1331323
Posted By: Metchosin
18-Nov-04 - 02:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Little Drummer Boy / Carol of the Drum
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Little Dummer Boy
I love this Carol, but for reasons probably not shared by others. Many years ago, when our very shy youngest daughter was in grade 4, she came home and proudly announced that she was going to play this piece on the piano for her class the following week.

I was a bit nonplussed, as she didn't know how to play the piano and when I pointed out that that might be a bit of a handicap, she stated,   "Of course I can play the piano!" and promptly ran over to ours and knocked out the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb with one finger saying, "See!"

I suggested that the class might expect something with a few more notes attached and that if she wanted, I could show her how to use more than one finger to play the tune and she thought that would be OK.

There wasn't much intervening time between then and her piano solo debut, so I marked out the three chord notes with numbers on the keys for her left hand to drum out a bass line and she promptly learned the melody in the right hand by ear.

The following week she went off merrily to perform her masterpiece. When she got home I asked her how it went and she said that the class really enjoyed it and her teacher had commented that she must have been taking piano lessons for quite awhile.

She decided after that, that maybe she would like to take piano lessons and the following year she played Carol of the Bells for the class using a more orthodox method. Sometimes kids have a lot of jam. LOL