The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75684   Message #1332122
Posted By: Chris Green
19-Nov-04 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Musicians you wish you'd seen live
Subject: Musicians you wish you'd seen live
Not really sure if this is BS or not - if you think it is feel free to move it below the line!

As a bloke in his mid-twenties, it occurs to me that, through death or retirement, I haven't seen a lot of my favourite musicians play live. Then, being the shiftless layabout that I am, I started to make a list.

Nic Jones (I was five when he had his accident)

Stephane Grappelli (no excuse as he was still touring in his final year of life)

Bach (for obvious reasons)

Sandy Denny

Anyone else got any performers they really wish they'd seen?