The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75675   Message #1332569
Posted By: Pauline L
19-Nov-04 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Colours (Donovan)
Subject: RE: Help! A folk/pop song from the 60's? (Colours)
I have an old songbook of Donovan's, too. It's called "A Gift from a Flower to a Garden," and it has wonderful songs in it. Some of Donovan's best songs, IMO, never made the charts. They come from a time so different from ours, or so it seems, when life was simpler, and men wrote and sang loving, child-like songs. Some of them would probably be classed as children's songs today. The book has some great 60s-ish photos of Donovan in a rich, fantasy world of his own creation.

Here are some of my favorites:

Lullaby of Spring

Rain has showered far her drip
Splash and trickle running
Plant has flowered in the sand
Shell and pebble sunning
So begins another spring
Green leaves and of berries
Chiff-chaff eggs are painted by
Mother bird eating cherries.

In a misty tangled sky
Fast a wind is blowing
In a newborn rabbit's heart
River life is flowing
So begins another spring...

From the dark and whetted soil
Petals are unfolding
From the stony village kirk
Easter bells of old ring
So begins another spring...

[There is so much sweetness and hope in this song]

Widow with Shawl
Donovan explains this one by saying that long ago, men went out on ships to sea for a very long time. Their wives at home often waited years for them, not knowing when they would return or even whether they were still alive. A woman who is waiting and wondering sings, "I a-weary wait upon the shore."

There is another one that I love but can't remember the title or find the words in my large collection of disorganized music. Here is what I remember. If you know more about this than I do, please enlighten me.
Little pebble in the sand
I am holding you in my hand.
How many years have you been lying here?
Little human upon the sand
You are holding me in your hand.
How many years have you been standing here?

These songs, although often simple and childlike, have a "zen" character, reminding me of the oneness of the universe. After all, Donovan studied under the Maharishi in India.

Thanks for reminding me of Donovan's songs.