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Thread #75703   Message #1332788
Posted By: GUEST,ClaireBear
19-Nov-04 - 05:13 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Anyone know anything about POC's for HA?
Subject: RE: Tech: Anyone know anything about POC's for HA?
When you first posted your question, it didn't occur to me that you were asking at as a would-be HP "business partner" (albeit an informal one) rather than as the company requiring the HA solution.

Dave, have you poked around on the HP Web site? HP is very crafty at selling services that do exactly what you are talking about. For example, go to this page and check out the "Evolution Pilot" service description (has to do with their NonStop server platform, but I think they have other such programs -- I just don't have time to hunt them up).

Not being an HP employee (I just edit some of their marcom collateral for an outside agency), I can't speculate whether they would have anything to offer your company, but I would think it couldn't hurt for you to ask. They are in the business of doing POCs in HA business scenarios, and they may have a way to take some of the risk out of it for would-be partners like you. Surely they have the facilities to make it happen -- the HP Solution Centers, for example, which you should also read up on -- and they must understand that they are in a better position to provide the POC than your firm would be.

Good luck!