The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75705   Message #1333966
Posted By: Peace
20-Nov-04 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do people rave about Elvis?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do people rave about Elvis?
Elvis created a frenzy that has not been equaled by too many singers or groups. I recall a film of the Beatles landing in the US, and the tears in the eyes of a young lady at I think LaGuardia Airport--maybe it was Kennedy. Anyway, it just reminded me of similar scenes when Elvis was about. I have to agree that his early stuff helped define 'rock', and despite the later feeble attempts with songs like "In the Ghetto", nothing will take away his rightful place in the pantheon of great rock and rollers. He was a man for all seasons for a few seasons, and then the machine ate him up and spit him out. It's done that to lotsa good people. Also, drugs and drug abuse have taken their toll on the greats of the music industry. I was never a fan of Elvis, but ya'd have to be a real idiot to ignore the effect and affect he had on music. IMO, good looking is a dime a dozen; music like his early stuff is priceless.