The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #75757   Message #1334252
Posted By: Roberto
21-Nov-04 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: lee monroe presnell's two sisters (#10)
Subject: Lyr Req: lee monroe presnell's two sisters (#10)
sung by LEE MONROE PRESNELL, on Nothing Seems Better To Me, The Warner Collection volume II, Appleseedd Recordings APR CD 1036, ballad recorded in 1951.

I have many problems with this one. Please, help me. Thanks. R

There was two sisters that loved one man
Jennie (?) flower gem (?) and rosemary
And the youngest of them he loved best
And the jury hangs over the rosemary

O sister, sister, walk with me
Walk with me to the miller's pond

O the oldest pushed the youngest in
... the water was...

O sister, sister, reach me your hand
You may have ... (half?) ... land

O sister, sister, I won't reach my hand
I will have all of the land

O sister, sister, reach me your glove
You may have sweet William for your own true love

O sister, sister, I won't reach my hand
I will have sweet William for my own true love

O she floated around and she floated down
She floated down to the miller's pond

O miller, miller, come and see
There is some (big?) .. a floated by ...

O it is not a fish or(?) it is not a swan
It is .......